Aug 16, 2004 19:45
so, i moved... well, sorta! yesterday my mom woke up and said "did you maybe wanna move today?" and then the boardwalk girl called and asked if i was coming this weekend, so that was that. we got everything loaded in about 30 minutes and everything fit into my car and the tahoe, which worked out nicely. i spent the night there last night and had a little helper put my room together. i also got to visit mister andrew, poor poor thing! anyhow, today i planned on making andrew come home with me to get my clothes, computer, and the other things i was living with at my mom's but instead, my car malfunctioned! i had to leave brandon at 3:30 to get my car here by five and hopefully it will get all sorted out tomorrow morning, then i will be on my way, again.
tonight i guess i will pack up the rest of my belongings, which kinda makes me sad. i want to leave things here, but i know i NEED to take them or i will cry.. haha. and it isn't like this is for forever, it's just that it feels so weird at the beginning. at least now i will have UNDERWEARS and i won't have to keep mixing make-ups to make a colour i like. (note that i did this for all of one day/night and i act like it is an eternity. overly dramatic much? DEFINITELY)
also, i know that everyone handles "emotions" and "dealing" differently, but why does it seem that i'm always the one who has it the hardest? i hate that i put everything into anything, ugh.
today i made some important purchases, ridiculously cheap, overly clearanced panties and a white cuff kenneth cole watch! woohoo.
okay, now i have to go eat some fooooood and dream about being at my apartment. it's sad that in the 2 hours i've been at my mom's, 3 tampa people have called me and asked me to hang out tonight! =[