Goth club.

Oct 10, 2009 02:06

So today I went to my first "goth type" club. Just got back actually, like literally ten minutes ago.
Das Bunker, it was pretty awesome aesthetically. The music was pretty good and it was loud, dark and air-conditioned, which is always nice.
Took a goth friend of mine for her first time to a club, and her other friend drove us. <--- that is where the night went quickly down hill.

I blame myself mostly because the whole thing was my idea. It just sucks that the person who drove us hated every minute of being there. I made an effort though to make it clear that if she hated it we didn't have to stay; that we really only wanted to take a look. I even lined up a bunch of other clubs we could go to, and said that we could leave and go where she wanted to go. But, no~

Now I feel like this girl despises me because of tonight. It was really obvious in the way she did 80mph all the way to my front door, and then floored it as soon as I shut the passenger door. Longest, quietest most tension filled car ride of my life!

Side note: I saw at least three people wearing Johnny shirts at the club, and this one guy was dancing in such a supremely awesome way I can barely describe. It was Gator-esque.

gator, das bunker, awkward, clubbing, johnny, club, goth

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