A Memorandum of INCOSE Russian Chapter SEMAT

Apr 03, 2013 23:08

March 29, 2013 (http://semat.org/?p=814)

INCOSE Russian chapter pays a lot of attention to the proper description of systems engineering practices and methods. Situational method engineering standards, such as OPFRO OPF, SPEM 2.0 and ISO 24744, have been discussed at chapter’s meetings and conferences. These standards have also been used by chapter members to describe their systems engineering methods.

SEMAT is a global initiative started in 2009. It attempts to formulate the second generation of situational method engineering standard that focuses more on practitioners than methodologists. A result of SEMAT is the newly submitted proposal to OMG: “Essence - Kernel and Language for Software Engineering Methods”

Despite the fact that Essence is rooted in the software engineering domain, the INCOSE Russian chapter and the SEMAT community leaders are confident that Essence , with some minor modification, is also suitable for systems engineering.

Thus there is a need to extend Essence to make it suitable for describing Model Based Systems Engineering endeavors by generalizing “software system” to a broader kind of system-of-interest, for example system of systems. We should develop kernel extension for modeling model-based and model-driven (with generative design and manufacturing) types of systems engineering practices.

For this purposes INCOSE Russian chapter will:
-- Recommend Essence as a preferable standard for systems engineering, including usage in systems engineering tutorials and curricula
-- Promote harmonization of Essence with other standardization recommendations (e.g. ISO 15926 initiatives, i.e. try to map Essence to ISO 15926 to have compatible form of Essence representation for contemporary CAD/CAE/PLM systems and issue trackers)
-- Appoint liaison (Andrey Bayda) to represent INCOSE Russian Chapter in SEMAT research and standardization activities

SEMAT community will:
-- Support generalizing Essence domain to other domains, in particular to systems engineering.
-- Provide advice on modeling systems engineering practices to INCOSE Russian chapter.
-- Recognize INCOSE Russian chapter liaison (Andrey Bayda) for coordinating work between the two parties
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