Currently at work, tethered to my desk by a headset.
I just recently had my schedule shifted. I now have Tuesdays and Wednesdays off, for those of you interested in such information. It's kinda nice, really. It gives me some time during the week to interact with the part of the population that does its thing during normal business hours. Up until this week, that would have been a challenge, since I was working Monday-Friday, 8:30 to 5:00.
The drawback, of course, is that in order to do my 40 hour-a-week salary obeisance, I'm now working the same shift on Saturdays and Sundays. It's not too bad, I suppose, and yet it does have its drawbacks. I missed the
AnimeBanzai planning meeting yesterday, which I'd really wanted to attend. I tend to offer some pretty decent input, especially if I'm able to get a bead on other people's ideas. I'm really good at fleshing out ideas, but not if I'm not around to hear them. There are other people around here I can do schedule swapping with, as long as I have enough notice to do the necessary finagling. It pretty much rules out anything spontaneous during the day, though. I should have waited until this current pay period started to implement the schedule change, though. I didn't think about it, and managed to cheat myself out of two salary days in the process. Grr.
Today has been relatively productive so far. Granted, I've only taken one phone call (from a nice lady in Georgia who needed some help configuring her e-mail.) Yesterday was just about the same, and I was damn glad I brought something to read. I don't know whether the weekend shifts are typically like this, but I aim to use them constructively regardless. I brought in a bunch of stuff I hadn't gotten to yet - so far I've paid some bills and finished up my financial aid for this year. (Finally!) Once I finish this post, I get to start on the homework I've been otherwise neglecting.
My powers are legendary where procrastination is concerned, especially with homework. Three hours of work, and only two hours until class starts? No problem!
When I combine my procrastination power with my other powers, namely Half-Assing and Bullshitting, anything is possible. So far I've been able to clear most of my courses with relatively little headache. The sad part of all this is just how competent my half-assed efforts seem when I look at what other people in some of my classes seem to be submitting. So hooray for lazy asses, without whom I could never consider myself productive by comparison. That may sound awfully conceited, but it's true. I'm not sure whether to be happy about all this, because my effort baseline seems to be above average, or mad at myself, because chances are that if I'd ever decided to do something full-tilt, I'd be making some bank, and making my own rules.
Welcome to the Danny Miller company, where ambivalence is all we sell, but we won't be undersold!
Although I just seem to be breaking even with ambivalence; perhaps I should branch out. Perhaps I could offer classes on Bullshitting - there's some money to be made there. Perhaps being the best at being mediocre ought to come with some perks? I think I may be treading upon dangerous ground here, 'cause I'm pretty sure this is what those monks had in mind when they defined the word Sloth. Forget
Purgatory and
Limbo, I'm going straight to the
Malebolge for this one.
On with the show.