Back to Work

May 24, 2005 13:08

Well, I enjoyed my two days off--didn't get anything done, but I enjoyed them.

Saturday was the company "block party", which I'm sure would have been nice if my girl didn't flip out after being there about an hour. I brought her back to the program with only one other staff member (male and she has to be with female staff) 5 minutes before i got the call that our autistic girl and her mommy were heading back to the program as well. Super. The autistic girl would have to be partners with the male staff, which she wouldnt be thrilled about, and my partner would be agitated because the autistic girl would be getting all the attention. Autistic girl was fine...and luckilly J., the guy Im (not) seeing came into work at 6. right before my partner became really non-compliant. We had to carry her out to the QR, but it wasn't a huge incident. I was definitely ready for Sunday, though!

J. was sick so he didn't come to church, but I still picked up L. and it was a great service. Later that evening we went to the 6:30 service, also great, and then came back to L.'s house for "Gringa night". I cooked coconut shrimp, biscuts, and we had eclairs for dessert. We listened to a really hokey Christian cd, laughing histerically and frightening 10-year-old D., a next door neighbor who was over to visit. lol Then we stuck in my Bownling for Soup, and Sugarland CD and all was well in gringa-land.

Monday I decided to sleep in, instead of getting a shot, oil change, car vaccumed, clean house, etc, etc. I lounged around and read the Bible, at least. Also, I got in a really good weight training session, and 10 minutes of jogging (4.5) before I felt like my heart was going to explode out of my chest. I managed to at least head out to Walmart to buy curtains and rods (which I've yet to put up) before the day was over.

Today I woke up early for my shot so I'm not so chipper. I got the shot, but I need to find out if I've been vaccinated back in MA before I get the boosters. Any friends from MA--Do you remember if it was mandatory that we got HEPATITUS B SERIES before entering HS??

I'm so freakin' sore from the workout, and face is insanely sore because of a new acne medication, too, which isnt helping my mood. I'm hoping my caffeine will kick in soon, and all will be well.


pee ess AMERICAN IDOL FINALE! I won't be home to watch tonight (but I will tomorrow!), and I've actually only seen one show on tv, but I've been keeping track on the internet. I think they are both really good, but if you know me it's easy to figure out who I'd want to win! GO BO! He's smokin' hot, and has amazing talent!

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