Mar 03, 2005 22:43
Everyone at work is sick right now, including myself. Obviously I can't call out because 1) I need the money, and 2) 80% of the staff is sick so no one would be able to cover. All of us are pretty good about coming in to work unless we are puking our guts out or something. We all just have whatever cold is going around.
I was partnered with the autistic girl all day today, and she finally had a good day (she had been picking at her legs all week). She really does respond well to me. I know there will come a time when she freaks out, but knock on wood, shes never done anything worse than run down the hall and sit on a trash can while she was my partner. Shes jacked other staff up like you wouldn't believe. I cringe every time I have to set a limit with her, but so far so good. Shes basically content listening to music all day, but I can usually get her to go on some walks and have enthralling conversations about toilets and such with her. Some of the "plans" she and I make about how to keep her behavior positive are so, just, odd, but hey, whatever works. If she wants to name her toilet, so be it, if it'll keep her from stealing pads and flushing them down, clogging it. I was actually surprised that she went to sleep so well tonight, considering how much she was focusing on "breaking the toilet", and God knows what else.
I also had to restrain the Autistic boy for the first time today. He wasn't listening to his partner at lunch today so his partner told him he wouldn't be earning his reward. I saw it in his eyes that he was going to attack. He lunged at his partner, and he and another staff member took him to the ground. I held his head down so he couldnt bite his partner, until the supervisor came to hold his head (I still had my own partner). I'm happy to say noone got bit.
After the kids were in bed I was talking to some of the staff members, and I think we are losing two more female staff members within the next few months. Aside from the supervisors, we will only have me and one other female staff. I don't know what my boss is going to do when he finds out. One of the girls is basically quitting over company politics, and i really dont blame her. I feel the same way, but I couldnt do that to the kids, and I'm able to just dissasociate myself from all that crap. The more I think about it... I always used to wonder my boss trusted me with so much so fast, and now I realize that you just never know when staff is going to quit.
Anyway time for bed.