Sunday; Always an Adventure

Jan 17, 2005 12:21

I was feeling so gross last week from lack of sleep. My paycheck is going to be incredible, though! I must be up close to 50 hours just for last week alone (we get paid every two weeks, and I normally work 40 hr a week) I went through the med cert training, and just have to take the big test, and do my observations now before I can dispense meds. I'm dreading what a pain it's going to be working 40+ hours a week, plus going to school. I thought they were going to cut my hours back to like 35, but they really need the help, and they played around with my hours to still give me my 40. Actually I just reminded myself that I need to call my supervisor at work today about my hours. We went through them last week, but I'm getting 43 hours when I add it all up, and thats sort of pushing it. Not that I wouldn't mind the overtime, but I think she made a mistake. lol I can't believe school is starting up again on Wednesday. Bah.

So back to Sunday... I went over to B.'s house to pick up his sister's computer to bring into San Antonio with me. I asked B. if he wanted to come ("no") or if I could bring the baby ("he didn't go to bed until 5 in the morning"). Ok. This was all well and good, I called B. a poop-head, and was on my way to pick up his sister, L.

Upon getting to L.'s house I saw a big bed in their living room. I thought it was odd, but didn't think much of it. L. and her mom then asked where B. was. I told them about my encounter with B. that morning and they looked confused. Apparently B.'s mom got a new hospital bed (finally!) so she was going to give B. HER bed. She had talked to B. earlier in the week, and he was going to come up and get it. He made absolutely NO mention of a bed when I talked to him this morning. I told them that he'd have to come up with me next week if he wanted to bring the bed back. How we planned on fitting the bed in the Aztek was another issue that I didn't even bother to get into with them. B.'s mom said she didnt want the bed sitting in her living room for another week, and if B. didn't want it she had someone else to give it to. I know she was expecting me to say "Alright.. I'll just take it this week", but I threw her for a loop when I said, "Honestly, If B. didnt have the decency to tell you guys he wasn't coming, I think you should just give the bed to the other people who need it". And then we left for Church. lol

It was a very good service, basically about "counterfeit Christianity", and whether you know God, or just know about God. I was really proud of L. for going up to the altar call after the service. She really wants to be Baptized, but her mom is very against it. L. is in conflict over Obeying God above all others, and honoring her mother. I've always told her to wait until she is out of her Mother's house to consider getting baptized, but I realize how hard that must be. Her mother has been through a lot, but she acts like an antagonizing spoiled child. It takes all the grace I have in me not to chew her out, the way she talks to L., but I've been able to resist, and love the unlovable so far.

We went to the 6:30 service later that evening, and it was absolutely amazing. We did a mass healing, and you could really feel the Lord in the house. It was actually very strange... throughout the worship songs at the beginning of the service I kept on getting startled and looking up to the ceiling. I didn't think much of it...but then at the end of the service, before the anointing (healing), the guest speaker says "Now...please don't think I'm insane, because I don't usually say things like this, but I see there are two angels up there (points to ceiling) tonight, and I just can't ignore it..." My mouth hit the floor! lol

While we were at church, L. asked a couple of our mentors (P. and another woman, B.) about the Baptism issue, and got opposing answers, basically leaving us where we started. P. said "Honor your mother, etc", and B. said to go ahead and do the Baptism, and them pray for God to soften her mothers heart.

Anyway, I picked up some food for L. to bring back for her and her Mom, and then I drove back home around 9. When L. got home and told her mom how her shoulder didn't hurt any more (the healing), etc, her mother just stayed silent. Around 10:30 I got a phonecall from L. She seemed really upset, and asked if I could talk to her for a while. Of course I said sure, and only shook my head in disgust at all the things she told me her mother had said to her. Apparently her mom said things such as, "I failed with you, just like I failed with J.R. (her oldest son who moved away with some cultish family)", and "I'm going make it so you can not attend my funeral!" I told L. that her mom was just going for low-blows to break her, and take back "control". Really, I was appalled,(It's not cool to mention a funeral with your 16 year old daughter, when you are ill and you(and she) don't know if you will wake up alive the next morning!) but me bashing her mother wasn't going to help anything. I can't even put myself in her shoes. L. has a lot more grace than I could ever dream of. She's taken care of her mother since she was a small child, and her mother treats her like a slave. If my mom ever treated me that way.. I honestly can't even "what-if" it, because it just seems so ridiculous. Her mom barely bats an eyelash on HUGE things, but degrades her daughter for being a good Christian. Anyway... for being so young, L. is a very strong person that I'm proud to call a friend. I'm really sorry for judging her so harshly when I first met her. I think (know) I was just angry about being put into a mentoring role I wasn't ready to be in. She was actually telling me how she brought her Bible to read at school one day last week. I don't think I'd have the balls to do that at this point.

I'm not at the level I want to be at, but I'm not scared anymore. I am ready to forsake my double life.


pee ess I finally found a copy of Napoleon Dynamite on DVD. Best. Movie. Ever.
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