My new favorite day of the week!

Jan 10, 2005 12:36

This is the only day I don't have to work, not including Sunday, which is spent waking up at 7 am and not getting home until midnight or so. The only bad thing about my day off, since I only get one, is that I actually have to, like, do stuff. Today I need to call the vet, do laundry, go to Walmart so i can get change to do laundry, clean the house, work out, and still find time to be lazy.

Anyway... Yesterday was a fun day. The church service was amazing. It was basically all about Revelation, and information pertaining to the Anti-Christ. I've read about all the info, but it was really helpful to have the specifics explained. I like the normal, emotionally driven services but my favorites will always be the ones that give me FACTS. The historical accuracy of the Bible's predictions are just remarkable. Many people are blind to it, or simply not ready to see it, as I can totally relate to, but once your eyes are open...Man. I was never a particularly big fan of (studying) history, but I imagine a history buff, Christian or not, would be amazed if they opened their eyes and heart enough to really read the text, and check the facts.

B. and the baby came into SA with me, so it was Me, L., the baby, and a 9-year-old boy,D. at church. As we were coming into the church building, this friendly old lady asks me if she can greet D. and the baby, and I think I said, "um, sure", or something profound like that. lol She was really sweet, and seemed to really like kids. She told me to talk to her if I wanted to get involved in the parenting programs, so I just smiled and said "ok, thanks" before I went into the building, as not to go into detail about my little mexican crew. lol We met up with K. (shawn's mentor) and P. (K.'s wife) as we were walking around the building (we were early) and they were really awesome to D. too. It was his first time going to a big church like this (his mom is catholic), so I'm sure it made him less nervous to get so many greetings from people. We sat with K. and P. during the service also, and P. gave him a little flashlight to play with. That was really nice of her. This was also the first time the baby was awake enough to really interact with people at Church, too. He kept on grinning every time P. talked to him. It was really cute.

So after church I brought back some Pizza to L.'s house and we feasted, and watched corny movies for a while. Then me and L. stole D. and the baby to get them new shoes at Payless. D. looked like his shoes were torn apart by wild beasts, and the baby just has clown feet that grow at ridiculous speeds so his toes were busting through his old shoes. When we got back, we all had takedown matches in the backyard, and played hackeysack baseball. lol For dinner I got us all food from Sonic (mmm... Island Fire Burger... you Yanks are missing out!), and then me, B. and the baby headed back home. I was under the impression B. was staying for the week, but apparently he and C. arent communicating efficiently so that wasn't the case.

I talked to V. on the phone, during the drive home. I generally wouldnt be rude like that while I have someone in the car, but B. and his mom, in their brick-wallish ways, had gotten on my last nerve that day so I didn't feel that bad about it. I got to hear about V.'s trip to Mexico, and it was nice to hear that him, Eury and crew are all doing well. I miss traveling, a little. I don't think I want to do a resort vacation or anything (thats what they did in Mexico), but I really want to go on a missions trip. I can hardly wait until I'm done with school so I can do things like that. I would have loved to go to the Honduras this march but I couldnt take off the time from work or school. One of these days...

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