Dec 11, 2004 22:01
I got an A in the Adolescent Psych class! Woo! Now even if I get B's in Lit and Spanish, added to my A in the internship class, I'll still keep my 3.5! Theres still a chance I could pull off a 4.0 this semester because my grades are borderline A/B in both of my remaining classes, so we'll see.
Work is going well. I got to work some overtime one day this week because one of our boys ran away (not on my watch). It was funny... my supervisor says to me (as my shift was over), "Want to pick up some overtime?". I said "Sure, I can stay as long as you need me to". He then says, "Good answer, because you didn't have a choice. Noones leaving until we find him!" "Thanks for pretending to let me have some input though. I appreciate it!", I responded. lol
Things really are going well, and yes, we found the boy, if you were wondering. The staff member who was partnered with this boy the night he ran off was suspended while the case was investigated for negligence. He was finally allowed back today, relieved, I'm sure, because he had a good chance of being fired. I didn't talk to him much before the incidence but tonight we hung out a lot because I was partnered with the autistic girl who was content listening to music, and not wanting to be bothered, and he was partnered with my Canadian friend. Him, Canada, and I (with my partner 3 feet away from me, don't worry!) played a great game of Monopoly until my partner informed me she wanted to sit on the couch with me. Bebil (my partner) and I had a nice conversation about the reason there are thorns on plants (she had a branch with thorns on it as a reward tonight...she's weird..don't ask), and went over what would happen if she picked the cut on her hand:
Bebil: ...and what would happen? Me: I'd just have to pull out the keys and then get the tape! (she doesnt like bandaids..or "tape") Bebil: show me (big smile) Me: (holds up keys) Bebil: What would you do? Me: I'd have to tape it up! Bebil: Youre my partner so who would do it? Me: I'd have to do it Bebil: Huh? (smiles) Me: Me Bebil: Maaaaashell? Me: Yup. Bebil: Say it like that Me: Maaaashell Bebil:Are you my partner? Me:Yes Bebil:My paaartner? Say it like that. Me:I'm your paaartneeeer Bebil: I'm concerned (smiles) Me: What are you concerned about? Bebil: The tape Me: Dont pick the cut and you won't need any tape Bebil:Lets practice. What would happen if I picked it? Me: (holds up keys) Bebil:One more time and then case closed! Me: (holds up keys)
Repeat that or a similar conversation for the next 30 or so minutes... lol Its hard to describe Bebil if you've never met her. She really is a riot. It still cracks me up that this 13 year old, 5' little girl who MAYBE weighs 100 pounds was the NUMBER ONE reason for workers comp in the entire program (out of adults and children..not just in the whole country and Canada lol) last year. lol Shes still sort of a loose cannon but she has made a lot of strides!
Anyway...what was my point? Ah yes.. the staff member who could have gotten fired. I'm glad he didn't because we had a lot of fun tonight while Bebil was preocupied, and I really enjoy working with him.
I'm taking B's sister, the baby, and C. to church tommorow, so that should be fun. When I get back I really need to finish up my Xmas shopping. I'm so far behind, and I have NO idea what to get for my secret santa gift. I don't know how we're pulling this off, but apparently we are allowed to bring guests to our company Xmas party. I'm really excited to introduce some of my friends to the kids, and I'm debating whether it'll be a good idea to bring the baby or not. One of the supervisors said it would be fine, but I'll talk about it with the head supervisor and see what he says. It's too bad that the party is a few days before my mom comes out here, because it would have been cool to introduce her to the kids.
Anyway.. enough babbling. I've been having too many conversations with Bebil lately, I think... lol If I start excitedly professing my love for trash bags, dumpsters, and dirty diapers, I'll know it's gone too far!