Не зря капитан Вояжера мне понравился.
Помимо того, что она дружит с Де Ланси, Кейт еще очень мило чудно отзывается о Билле :-D
I want you to consider me a younger, thinner, and much saner version than William Shatner. Mad as a hatter, but personally I adore the man.
Q: If Captain Kirk met up with Captain Janeway, what kind of chemistry would they have?
KM: Absolutely fantastic, as it is between Bill Shatner and myself. They'd crack open a bottle of wine, put their feet up and have a good laugh. He would make her really laugh. She would really enjoy his ribaldry, his irreverence, his bombastic, maverick approach, his virility. There's something so whimsical about Kirk. He loves the absurd about life, and so does Janeway. They're not brain surgeons. They are wholeheartedly in the moment, without preponderance.
В Японию Билла пускать низяяяя :-D