Oct 19, 2004 00:30
YAY new live journal well today was a great day! It Rained! I love the rain its so calming and peaceful and it hasnt rained in a long time so this is good! I heard on the news that a rain storm is headed our way so this is good! Well this weekend Chanti and I went up to Rancho Mirrage and stayed in a 5 star resort in like the middle of no-where. The views there were amasing because we were surrounded by mountains and there was so much green grass and chanti and I just thought we were staying in some old cheesy hotel. There were like 3 pools and 2 jacooze's and there were these waitreses that came and would take your order and they had these yummy smoothies and we had the strawberry-bannana ones. On the way home we saw these things were they were for solar power but we called them Whirly-Birds cuz they were spining and there were thousands of them and a short while after passing the Whirly-Birds it started to rain! So that was my weekend! Lots of Love to all!