
Aug 15, 2008 08:25

So, listening to Pandora Radio a lot lately. And. This is a list of things I want to buy!

Within Temptation's album, The Heart of Everything appears to be pretty awesome. Is this the latest album? I should check. It strikes me that they're growing into a sound I really really like.

Kamelot's Black Halo album. Totally awesome. No question. I only have Ghost Opera and I want more.

Stan and Garnet Rogers.

Connie Dover, probably albums If I Ever Return and Somebody.

Jury is still out on this band Angtoria ('Confide In Me' is pwn, but I try not to listen to songs that broadcast that they're about suicide which is the only one that's come up). Jury is also still out on Leaves' Eyes, which appears to be Liv Kristine's post-Theatre project. I totally want to do Liv Kristine, but... Leaves' Eyes ain't no Theatre of Tragedy. No offense.

More later.

EDIT later: Seabound, album called Double Crosser.


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