Jan 30, 2008 07:53
Between Jeremy and I, there is an extensive count of instruments in our apartment. The inventory runs something like this, at present:
6 guitars (I have a 7th that is still in anchorage)
1 banjo
1 mandolin
2 djembes
1 celtic lap harp (12 strings, I think)
1 bodhran
Assorted small wind instruments (recorder, penny whistle, my cedar flute might be here somewhere...)
Additionally, there is a present inoperable upright piano. It doesn't technically belong to us, but to a friend of ours that lived in this apartment at some point before I ever moved down here. It's old, black, and as Jeremy put it, has a lot of character. The gentleman to whom the piano belongs has moved to another city, too, and while we've been kinda talking around having him move it for months it never really got together, on either end.
I don't know enough about the inner workings of a piano to tell you what's wrong with it. For one thing, it desperately needs tuned (which I think runs around $100 by itself. But there's stuff... loose. Keys that don't sound, that maybe are no longer connected to their hammers? Theres interiorly stuff wrong with it. Last night, Jeremy started kicking around the idea of I suppose adopting it as a cause, and getting it fixed so we could play it. I know my way around a piano a bit (and, terrifyingly, it would open up one more avenue of lesson taking. That's a side issue... I need to decide something to start taking lessons in outside of voice; I'm learning djembe from Ariella, and Jeremy can teach me guitar. I'm thinking mandolin, but I'm not sure. Mandolin or bodhran) and he would learn. Additionally, it would make a huge difference in practicing at home for voice.
Anyone gone through this process? I'm sure there's really no way to estimate the expense without knowing precisely what's wrong with the thing... but I grew up with a piano to play available to me, even though I've never been massively proficient, it's an enticing proposition to have one again.