Nick/Miley - All I Can Taste is This Moment (oneshot)

Jun 08, 2009 15:48

Title: All I Can Taste is This Moment
Character/Pairing: Nick/Miley
Summary: The day kind of seems perfect. The “Send it On” video shoot.
Rating: G
Word Count: 2,021
Disclaimer: I own nothing and this is simply ridiculous speculation. Title comes from the song Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls.

The air smells fresh, like newly cut grass, and Miley breathes in deeply. The sun is bright, almost too bright, but it isn’t hot. The breeze tickles the back of her neck and she thinks she may even be a little cold. The day kind of seems perfect. Which is a totally okay thing for her to be thinking because she gets to see Demi, and Miley hasn’t seen her in what seems like forever. It has nothing to do with anything or anyone else. Really.

She walks tiredly to the make-up chair and sits down, excitement in her belly, which is full from the amazing breakfast cooked for her that morning. She listens quietly as the make-up artist tells her what she’s going to do and the look they’re going for, and Miley nods at all the appropriate times. And it’s not like she can protest or that she’s worried she’ll look hideous or anything.

Foundation has been caked thoroughly on her face when Nick sits down in the chair next to her. He says “Hi” and Miley returns the greeting, feeling itchy all of the sudden because she can’t actually see him. The make-up artist is camped out right in front of her applying lipstick to her mouth, and if she moves her head it’ll surely get on her cheek. But she tries her best to move her eyeballs to the side of her head, hoping to get a glance at him.


It’s not that she’s jealous. Because she’s really not. She has Justin, and Nick and her are just friends. But she doesn’t quite understand why Nick asked Selena to play wiffleball and not her. Even though she was busy filming when the game started. And then Miley glances off and sees some paparazzi snapping pictures like their lives depend on it - they probably do. And to be honest, it makes her feel better. Like maybe Nick and Selena are just putting on a show for the cameras so rumors don’t start circulating about how they hate each other or something. Miley feels much better now, because, yeah, that makes sense.


“Miley, come here!” Nick calls out, spotting her and immediately abandoning the game. And she can’t help it, it’s involuntary, the smile that spreads across her face.

She walks over slowly, swinging her arms back and forth slightly. She thinks her make-up will probably crack if she doesn’t stop smiling. So she forces herself to, even though it takes some effort. Which is okay, because Miley is just a naturally happy person. Yeah, that must be it. “Hey!”

When she reaches him she gives him a hug and she feels like he’s the perfect fit. She breathes in deeply and the smile she removed moments earlier reappears. She resists the urge to run her fingers through his hair. Because it’s not her fault if he has amazingly curly and soft hair that isn’t greasily thrown into a ponytail.

When they part Miley can sense that everyone is looking at them, it makes her cheeks burn. But she shakes it off and hugs everyone, well, everyone except Selena, who she’s pretty sure wouldn’t appreciate a hug by the way she is forcing a smile and her voice comes out higher than normal.

“I really like your haircut.” Miley nods at Selena, putting her hands in her pockets.


Miley turns sharply and accidentally runs into Nick and she hears laughter burst from her mouth, as well as everyone else’s. Whatever tension she felt earlier is gone and she hits his arm lightly. “Watch it! Are you trying to kill me?”

“Yes, that’s exactly it,” Nick says, and Miley can’t help but notice how good his eyes look. And it’s not because she likes him or anything, he just has really nice eyes. That’s all.

Miley whacks him again and sees him backing away. “You can’t escape!” And now he’s running and she’s chasing him and she feels like she’s five, running around in Tennessee, and at home.

She’s not sure how long she’s been running after him, it seems like minutes, but he’s finally slowing down, even though she can tell he’s not really tired. But she takes the opportunity and picks up speed, feeling her hair blowing in the wind and the thumping of her heart. She’s only about a foot away from him when she senses that the cameras are back.

Her mind seems to go into hyper drive as she contemplates just walking away from Nick and chatting with Demi. Because god knows what rumors will be circulating if she keeps laughing and smiling and actually pounces on Nick’s back. But if today is actually going to be perfect she’s not going to care what pictures get taken.

So, she kind of jumps on him, hugging him. She swears she can feel happiness radiating from his every pore, even though that is utterly impossible. It’s not like everything needs to make sense. Sometimes you just have to believe.


Miley really liked hanging out with everyone outside, really. She had so much fun, more than she can say. But it’s nice to be sitting inside, her leg kind of touching Nick’s as they sit in the dark, a pad of paper in his lap. She’s twirling a pen between her fingers, trying to think. She doesn’t want her ideas to sound stupid, is all. That’s the only reason her heart is beating so erratically.

They’re both done filming for the day, but they can’t leave until Joe and Demi finish, and the air conditioning blowing at her neck feels nice, so Miley doesn’t really mind. “What should it be about?”

“I don’t know,” Nick mumbles, and when he looks at her Miley looks away, not because it feels too intimate. Because friends can sit in the dark, trying to write a song about something, anything.

“How about world peace?” She’s only half-joking, but he smiles and grabs her pen, writing it down at the top of the paper. “Or ants.” It makes her grin when he jots that one down too.

She closes her eyes and leans her head on his shoulder. His shoulder is kind of hard and she feels like if she stays that way for too long her neck will probably be sore in the morning. But she doesn’t care. She can tell he’s still writing things down and a moment later she opens her eyes, lifts her head up and looks at the list he’s made on the paper.

“Miley’s hair,” she reads aloud, “Miley’s smile, Miley’s hugs, Miley’s uncomfortable head, hey!” She hits him lightly, but her stomach is filled with butterflies and she isn’t sure if she should get up and storm off angrily. She thinks she probably should, but she doesn’t really want to, if she is honest with herself.

Grabbing the notebook and pen back from him she begins to scribble down random words like dolphins and soda and thunderstorms and sunflowers. He practically gives her a paper cut when he forcefully takes back the notebook. Miley watches carefully because he’s writing painfully slow and neat and when his hand moves out of the way she sees what he wrote: Nick hearts Miley.

And it’s totally cheesy and she knows he would kill her if she told anyone about it. But she also knows she can’t really tell anyone without Nick getting verbally abused by Justin. She looks at it again and it makes her smile despite herself, and she knows he did it for her. Because it’s exactly the kind of stupid thing that she loves and makes him roll his eyes.

Miley is smart enough to realize that they’re never going to get a song written. “That shirt is an ugly color,” she says, trying to change the subject or lighten the mood, or whatever. It’s not like there is really a mood. You don’t have “moods” with friends.

“What? I love this shirt.” He scrunches up is face in mock offense and moves away from her slightly. This makes her arm feel cold, so she scoots closer to him.

“It’s the color of eggplant. That’s gross.” Miley is desperately trying not to smile, but she can feel her eyes sparkling, and she thinks it’s probably been too long since they have sparkled this much. But, no, it’s not because of Nick. Really, it’s not.

“Eggplant is not gross!”

“You don’t even like it,” She retorts, shaking her head a little.

“We’re talking about a color, not how one tastes.” He rolls his eyes at her and runs a hand through his hair, moving even closer like he didn’t realize she had already moved to get rid of the space he had placed between them.

Her phone buzzes in her pocket and she reaches to take it out. There’s a text from Justin asking when she’ll be done. She replies saying that she’s not sure. She feels her back tense because it’s obvious that Nick is reading over her shoulder. So she tweets that they’re “writing” and flips the phone shut, eyeing his reaction carefully.

And, sure, she knows that Justin is going to be pissed off. She knows that her dad and mom and everyone is going to tell her she is just feeding any rumors already out there; she know she’s probably going to single-handedly create a few new ones. But she just doesn’t care anymore because Nick is smiling that smile that makes her heart become a lump in her throat.

She moves a little closer, getting rid of the already non-existent space between their arms and legs and sides. “What?” It comes out breathier than she had hoped.

“Nothing, I can’t get mad if you tell the truth, can I?” His smile fades and it’s like he’s studying her. She feels like maybe he became psychic all of the sudden and is reading all of the thoughts she has ever had about him. This should make her feel uncomfortable, but it doesn’t. Then his hand touches hers and his thumb is rubbing soft circles onto her wrist.

And this is not helping the breathy situation. At all. He leans down and their foreheads are touching and he is still just staring at her and rubbing circles into her hand, and she feels like she is suffocating. Except it isn’t really painful or bad, but it’s nice.

Really, she shouldn’t be surprised when a moment later he kisses her, but she is. And it can’t be more than a few seconds after that that the door opens and they break apart and Selena is standing there, light flooding in, making Miley squint.

“God,” She places her hands on her hips, sounding utterly exasperated. “Everything is wrapping up, and I was told to get you two.” She glares at Miley for a moment before marching away, the door slamming behind her.

“I think she likes you.” Nick grins, kissing Miley through her giggles.

And okay, now she has to break up with Justin because she isn’t just friends with Nick. She doesn’t want to though, not really. Because it’ll hurt him and she doesn’t want to hurt anyone. Plus, it’ll be so hard for her to not be able to really see him all the time without it being awkward. Because she wants to be friends with Justin and she is just so used to him. But she knows that that’s not going to happen, that he’ll be sad and hurt. He’ll accuse her of lying to him and she doesn’t really know if that’s true, but it probably is.

Not to mention that’s she’s going to Georgia soon and Nick’s going on tour and they’ll hardly get to see each other. But despite all that, today still kind of feels perfect.

Nick’s lips still taste the same as she remembers, and she doesn’t care if he writes a song about ants or her. As long as her stomach keeps fluttering and his voice makes her feel all breathy and dizzy, she’ll be happy.

type: fic, fandom: disney, ship: nick/miley

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