I'm on a never-ending quest to save my girlfriend!

Apr 04, 2006 23:48

[ mood | twitchy ]
[ music | What's Love Got To Do With It ]

Has anyone else seen the new Dairy Queen commercial? ♥ If only!

In case graphic descriptions and pictures of STDs aren't enough, Sex Ed instructors should show clips of children throwing tantrums to their students. If the fear of syphilis and herpes hadn't been enough to scare me out of throwing myself at every person within catching distance, imagining a toddler screaming at 1 AM would have done it. Seriously. Whenever Haley does that I just want to become razberrystrike's arm candy and get away from all this.

Angela Bassett's arms! *makes grabby motions at the tv*

reality is boring, public, hee!

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