Public Service Announcement

Dec 31, 2005 00:24

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[ music | O-ZONE | Dragostea Din Tei (it never ends ;____;) ]

For anyone who knows guardian_azure.

Josh is full of vicious lies, so don't believe anything he says about me. I'm the innocent party. Really.

It took me months of chatting with him to discover that:

"I raided a labotomized corpse, used laser machine guns of doom, and had my men wade through corpses spralled about like people sunbatheing on the beach."

"Oh, got get some cream cheese and eat the thing, already"


"I'll... Repell you with garlic! Or negate your powers with a tampon charm I raid from my mom's supply. One of those two [.] Say what you will, but if these suckers can keep a boat from sinking, I have every confidence they'll stopper you right up!! *Oh, Snap!*"

And now he has a uterus and ovaries.

I would have done more, but the ice in the tub was starting to melt and I felt kind of bad for biting his frostbitten toes off.

What? I was hungry!


"now, lemme see yours, and then you can see mine!"

Taken out of context, yes, but even in context it was begging to be misunderstood.


"...know that as I prepare to destroy you, I need to know what the command take for ljusers link is again..."

The vicious lies have been posted. That toeless poo-flinger!

story time!, very bad men, public, hee!

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