in exactly one week, i will officially be on my cruise. i can't wait!!
so i went to baker street pub (or as i like to call it, baker street pube) on friday night. it was totally gay. i think we stayed for a whole hour. totally wouldn't recommend it.
i'm sticking to molly's with christine. hehe.
2 1/2 months and counting (july 29, here we come)
my cousin moved into the next neighborhood over. it's so weird. now we have 2 family members within like 2 miles from us.
it's all very scary.
this post sucks hardcore, so i'll spare you. instead....i leave you with surveys!
and livejournal better post this shit. or i'll be beyond pissed off.
*stolen from christine*
TEN random things about me:
10. i despise dr. pepper.
9. i'm always covered in dog/cat hair.
8. i'm extremely claustrophobic.
7. i like to sleep with a light on.
6. i only wash my hair every other day (it gets oily if i do it every day!)
5. my toenails are always painted.
4. i sing in the shower.
3. i have 7 birthmarks.
2. my favorite color is blue.
1. as outgoing as i am, i'm petrified of meeting new people.
NINE ways to win my heart:
9. be honest.
8. love animals.
7. make me laugh.
6. give me space.
5. get along with my dad.
4. be spontaneous.
3. don't get all frisky in public.
2. please, experiment.
1. stay don't need to go out to have a good time.
EIGHT of my favorite movies (in no particular order):
8. Love Actually
7. The Ladies Man
6. The Princess Bride
5. The Pianist
4. Major Payne
3. Singing in the Rain
2. Grease
1. Harry Potter...all of them (i'm so gay)
SEVEN things that annoy me: (i should just say people)
7. people who feel sorry for themselves all the time.
6. liars
5. selfishness
4. feminists
3. dependency
2. liberals
1. people who crave attention.
SIX things I wanna do before I die:
6. travel.
5. fall in love.
4. see lightning bugs cute.
3. see ben folds in conert.
2. say goodbye. (it's just easier that way.)
1. open my own practice.
FIVE things I am afraid of:
5. public restrooms.
4. feet.
3. needles.
2. ventriliquist dummies...and those dolls that blink when you lay them down.
1. driving in the rain/18 wheelers.
FOUR of my favorite items in my room:
4. picture of my mom.
3. my keyboard.
2. the spot where my animals curl up next to me.
1. my closet doors...everyone writes on them.
THREE things I do everyday:
3. brush my teeth.
2. check my e-mail.
1. talk to christine.
TWO things I want to do right now:
2. watch a movie.
1. sleep. (i don't know how i could do both at the same time.)
ONE person I want to see right now:
1. twc.
*stolen from rachel*
1) My uncle once: taught me how to make an omelet.
2) Never in my life: will i eat seafood again.
3) When I was five: i cut my hair for the first time and donated it to locks of love.
4) High School was/is: better than i'll ever admit.
5) I will never forget: my mom.
6) I once met: jim carrey.
7) There’s this guy/girl I know who: just got married.
8) Once, at a bar: some guy serenaded me and christine with bohemian rhapsody.
9) By noon I’m usually: at work.
10) Last night: i did the family thing.
11) If I only: had a brain.
12) Next time I go to church: it will be for a wedding. i don't go to church...
13) Terry Schiavo: suffered 15 years too long.
14) What worries me most: losing my dad.
15) When I turn my head right, I see: my tv.
16) When I turn my head left, I see: my cat, atari.
17) You know I’m lying when: i look the other way...and then 10 seconds later, i'll tell you the truth.
18) You know what I miss most about the eighties: is not having to worry about money, work, your future...
19) If I was a character written by Shakespeare, I’d be: juliet.
20) By this time, next year: i will have been working for 5 years.
21) A better name for me would be: i dunno. i kinda look like a candace.
22) I have a hard time understanding: why people are so selfish.
23) If I ever go back to school I’ll: cry.
24) You know I like you if: i talk to you. i don't waste time on people i don't like.
25) If I won an award, the first person I’d thank would be: my dad.
26) Darwin, Mozart, Slim Pickens & Geraldine Ferraro are: old. geraldine's the only one still alive.
27) Take my advice, never: answer the door if a jehova's witness is on the other side.
28) My ideal breakfast is: no breakfast.
29) A song I love, but do not have is: billy joel - for the longest time.
30) If you visit my hometown: be prepared to sweat. it's hotter than a bitch in houston.
31) Tulips, character flaws, microchips & track stars: can all be found at my work.
32) Why won’t anyone: give me a million dollars?
33) A sure bet is: that i totally need to shower.
34) A true sign of genius: common sense.
35) What is that blue thing: my mouse pad, silly.
36) And now for something completely different: i have really bad vision. i can't even see the e on the top line without contacts.
37) I really wanted to: go out this weekend. but hanging out with my pregnant sister, trying to find the closest gas station that sells cherry icees worked out ok, too.
38) Paperclips are more useful than: socks.
39) If I do anything well, it’s: playing the piano.
40) And by the way: i can't wait to go on my cruise! (one more week)