Jan 29, 2007 18:14
I'll be on Eastlink's "Facts" TV show, Thursday, February 8th sometime between 7:00-8:00pm (7:30 I think). For a solid ten minutes (eeep) I'll be talking about my horrid living conditions from September 2005 to August 2006. The special is about how land lords in Halifax "shaft" students as much as humanly possible.
If you don't remember, I lived in the downtown core in a giant "cave" that was partially exposed to the elements and gradually fell apart as time went on. An exterminator, when checking into our mice problem, said it was the worst rodent infestation he's seen in his entire career. Our landlord used to go through our stuff and harrass us, and random homeless/drugged up people entered the place on a several occasions.
I could've also ranted for ten minutes about how bad my old room mates were (the Polish army guys who had parties with over 30 people), but I guess it was off-topic.