Jul 14, 2010 10:50
- 15:05 @ trixie360 No, but it does reaffirm your awesomeness. #
- 15:07 @ DjDATZ AXE FTMFW IF UR 17 (I corrected your tweet for you) #
- 16:18 is mashing buttons in Puzzwords. raptr.com/BadVogonPoet #
- 16:24 @ LisaMalambri lol! #
- 16:30 @ seeson @lisamalambri @mughhh His ninja ears must have been ringing! #
- 19:11 @ GreatWallofChin That's because your faithful Xbox compatriots are not there to keep you awake until the wee hours of the morning. :) #
- 19:31 @ JerryMoneta Damn Jerry. You're in my thoughts tonight. I'm sorry for your loss. #
- 22:00 @ GreatWallofChin Of course. You expect anything less? #
- 22:06 @ kikikat I'm down. I'll be in town for quite awhile before hand actually #
- 22:08 @ vaporofnuance I never could finish watching District 9... #
- 22:32 @ KingQuagmire You can do it! Think of the even better role model you'll be for Pea! #
- 22:37 @ vaporofnuance I am admittedly hypersensitive, but District 9 was too much for me. I was sick to my stomach after watching half of it. #
- 09:55 Got an AWESOME package from @ATVI_Randolph and @ATVI_Bernard today! yfrog.com/jbvr0j Thanks guys - The team will LOVE it!! #
- 09:55 @ DavidCreech That is disgusting. #
- 10:10 Wow, this is pretty neat. New video demonstration of Milo and a story from the TED conference. bit.ly/cPeL6j #
- 10:14 @ 70ms Neat!! I would love to see a pic of that! #
- 10:14 @ deaconblade No, you have to buy a new one and it costs doub...no triple! :P #
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