Jul 08, 2010 10:50
- 16:59 RT @ninjaharlot: AHAHAHAHA RT @trixie360: This just in: Tired gay succumbs to Dix... bit.ly/btGlgG <---- Bwaaahahahahah!! #headlines #
- 17:40 Another day in Visio and Excel. I am drowing in data. :P #
- 18:50 @ justmisstique If you poke your eyes out, you won't be able to play video games. #
- 19:40 Love that Let's Do the Timewarp Again was playing @mooyahburger. Love the burger too! twitpic.com/23c0m4 #
- 19:54 @ katterfly On his ear? I think @seeson is eating mcnuggets wrong. :) #
- 20:34 @ kittychix How are you feeling? #
- 22:01 is mashing buttons in Red Dead Redemption. raptr.com/BadVogonPoet #
- 10:01 RT @raczilla: Anyone know what LeBron had for breakfast? Haven't seen that reported yet. #justwondering <--lulz #
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