May 04, 2012 17:55
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My doc is the one who is awesome. He's gone out of his way to learn about the specifics of my condition and the current best available treatments, and is really responsive if I say a med is giving me a side effect... like how Cymbalta ate my sex drive like a chocolate cake topped with flan topped with cajeta. (I saw said cake on a TV show earlier today and OMFG MUST MAKE.) It was slightly awkward saying I wanted a libido, since he's my uncle, but he was apparently delighted to not have to charm out libido status for once in his life.
Also, thanks. ^^; It's bad but you learn to handle it. ((hugs back))
Then they ask if it's the issue with all deaf people....... *sigh* No. No it isn't.
Man, I'm jealous of you for having an awesome doctor. That's really wonderful.
Wait, chocolate cake topped with flan topped with cajeta? Where? :D
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