(no subject)

Apr 07, 2005 21:19

Monday i took my dog the vets cause the rest of my family are lazy arseholes. I found out he has cancer (lymphoma. http://www.marvistavet.com/html/body_canine_lymphoma.html if you want to know more.) of the throat, which we all subconsciously suspected, but just as soon as i heard that word, that BIG, SCARY word........CANCER....i sobbed my heart out right there in the clinic. His names Mutley, and he's about 14 now, but honestly he's like a brother-laugh all you like. It's not me, my sister, and thats it, it's Kate, Sara, Mutley, Cindy(my other dog).

He was in a fukkin bad way, he's naturally a bouncy, hyperactive dog, so it was just all the more weird to see him so sick. He could barely stand, couldn't walk, his eyes were all bloodshot and rolling back into his head, his throat had swelled up and he could hardly breath. It was horrible. The vet said we could either
a)opt for chemotherapy, the price of which runs into the thousands...
b)pay for a course of steroids,
c)have him put to sleep or
d)go to the PDSA (which is nearer to our house and bill-free) if we were on housing benefits.

My aunts on benefits, so my mum pretended to be her at the PDSA and the next day we got him a course of steroids. Steroids won't cure the cancer, merely prolong his life and make him comfortable, meaning he dies in the comfort of his own home instead of a cold, sterile veterinary clinic, probably in a matter of weeks/months depending on how well he adapts to them. We've got to take him back tomorrow for a check-up, but so far so good, his face has gone down and he seems happy and he's not in pain anymore.

It's a drag that there's a time limit on his life, but when it's time, it's time, and i don't agree with keeping animals-humans for that matter-alive by un-natural means when their obviously in pain. Is better to die with some dignity intact. Another auntie of mine did that, she had this old english sheepdog called Boot, he got cancer too. They were REALLY attached to him, and refused to put him to sleep. It ended in them carrying him up and down the stairs, out into the back graden... how awful it was he was bleeding all over the kitchen. Really sad. They came home to find it dead, probably died in awful pain. NOT nice. I have no sympathy for those selfish kinds of people, who won't put animals out of their own misery because THEY'D be too upset. WANKERS!

Viva le Mutley!

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