The Great Mokushirokuology

Dec 29, 2009 13:58

It's that time of year again!

Gloria in excelsis Utenae
Et in mundo revolutio consilio discipulorum.
Laudamus te.
Pugnamus te.
Adoramus te.
Spondemus te.
Gratias agimus tibi propter Apocalyptem Sortis Absolutae tuam,
Domina Utena, Princeps Ohtori, Utena Pugnatrix omnivicens.
Domina Puella Revolutionaria, Tenjou Utena.
Domina Utena, Sponsa Anthiae Nuptae Roseae.
Quae efficis revolutionem mundi, supera nobis.
Quae efficis revolutionem mundi, errumpe putamen nobis.
Quae pugnas sub castello inverto, supera nobis.
Quoniam tu sola Victrix.
Tu sola Revolutionaria.
Tu sola Pugnatrix, Tenjou Utena
Cum absoluta sorte sub castello inverto.
Et dicamus: AM-MON-ITE!

Glory in the highest to Utena
And revolution in the world for the student counsel.
We praise you.
We duel you.
We adore you.
We engage you.
We give thanks to you for your Absolute Destiny Apocalypse.
O Utena-sama, Prince of Ohtori, Utena the ever-victorious Deulist.
O Miss Revolutionary Girl, Tenjou Utena.
O Utena-sama, the engaged of Anthy the Rose Bride.
You who bring about the world revolution, win for us.
You who bring about the world revolution, cause our shell to be broken.
You who duel beneath the upside-down castle, win for us.
For you alone are Victorious.
You alone are Revolutionary.
You alone are the Duelist, Tenjou Utena
With an absolute destiny beneath the upside-down castle.
And let us say: AM-MON-ITE!
Tags: holiday, madness, utena

utena, holiday, madness

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