Title: Blue in the Broad Light of Day (2)
kiltsandlolliesCharacters: Billy/Dominic
Word count: 3061
Summary: Continues from
IndexDisclaimer: This is a work of fiction; the recognizable people in the story belong to themselves and have never performed the actions portrayed here. I do not know the actors nor am I associated with them in any way. If
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Comments 5
Hello indeed.
You have no idea how much I needed this. Thank you.
Pure, unadulterated bliss. As always.
How I love flustered Billy: not that I want him to suffer (much), but that imperfect characters are so much more interesting than perfect ones. I'm seeing a lot more of what makes Billy tick in this version than the first draft, and I like it.
ETA: fixed end italic (yes I am slightly compulsive about html)
I can't wait to see what you do with it.
This, Billy needing something from Dominic so badly, he's ready to take this kind of risks, is wonderful. And hot. :)
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