Yay!! Now we know why she is the favorite! How can you be sure who laid them though? Do they each have their own nest? And who is Number Four? Is that a rename?
They don't have their own nest, but Favorite is the first one to spend a great deal of time in the nest boxes and Tony said she was in that box all day yesterday. Number Four is nesting today though! Whee. Their names are Taxi, Monster, Favorite, and Number Four.
I wonder what it feels like to lay an egg. I wonder if it feels at all like middleschmertz feels (the human version of egg laying when it hurts). If so, I feel sorry for them.
I'm sure it's not the most pleasant thing in the entire world but they seem pretty pleased with the whole process. They enjoy nesting and will allow me to pet them while they're in the boxes. They make soft noises and look adorable.
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