four boots, five thousand two hundred and eighty feetAuthor:
kormanticFandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard
Rating: NC-17
Length: ~9,200 words
Genre: Humor, first-time
Alternate link:
Author's websiteSummary: "So what you're saying is, learning to love yourself really is the greatest love of all!"
Comments: This story just cracks me up every time I read it. The basic premise is that John and Rodney switch bodies and have to gain...an increased understanding of one another before they can switch back. The author did a marvelous job of describing how strange it would be both to suddenly have a completely different physical sense of yourself, as well as see your own body behave in ways that you never would. I can imagine that seeing even very minor differences, such as a tendency to smile or stand in a certain way, could be very disconcerting. The sex scenes, both when they were apart and separate, were very hot - I particularly enjoyed seeing John realize, freak out about, and then enjoy the sensuality of Rodney's body.
Podfic: Read by
anatsuno, converted into podbook by
Mp3 version and
podbook/m4b version. Files graciously hosted on
general_jinjur's website.
John reached back and scratched his ass-and froze. Lifting his head a little, he gingerly prodded at himself. He could feel his fingertip poking at his skin, could feel his ass-cheek dent as he applied more pressure, and he was pretty sure he hadn't had this much back before bed last night.
~ ~ ~
He was a little surprised to find that Rodney even owned a pair of jeans, and when he pulled them on, he found them to be weirdly snug in the thighs, and he found himself checking out his own ass in the mirror before he realized that a) hellishly, he had known that Rodney dressed left, and b) the jeans wanted the rest of the world to know that, too.