Recs: Vids, multiple fandoms {For 14 Valentines}

Feb 04, 2008 07:57

Most of these recs are from the Stargate universe, with a few other fandoms (or vids with multiple fandoms) represented as well. I tend to enjoy vids that are either funny or heartbreaking, so I'll try to let you know which is which. :)

This recs list was initially compiled for 14valentines's Day 4: Reproductive Rights. My body, my choice. Your body, yours.

List updated: May 12 (5 new recs)

Stargate Vids:

These are primarily Stargate Atlantis, with a few vids that also include Stargate SG-1.

Vid: Another Sunday
Vidder: jescaflowne
Pairing/main character: SGA team
Hysterically funny - SGA set to "We Built This City" with extra sparkly graphics.

Vid: Atlantis!
Vidders: wickedwords and sherrold
Pairing/main character: SGA cast, implied McKay/Sheppard
SGA set to an "Oklahoma!" medley. The 'implied McKay/Sheppard' includes them singing "People Will Say We're In Love," which is just delightfully done.

Vid: Bohemian Like You
Vidder: astolat
Pairing/main character: McKay/Sheppard
This is a fun, generally upbeat vid where Rodney gets jealous of the time John spends with Ronon. I like the song itself, and the combination of the song and the images tell the 'story' quite nicely. There is also a very nifty effect where the video clips are being shown in the stargate itself, so it looks like a television screen.

Vid: The Choice
Vidder: mamoru22
Pairing/main character: McKay/Sheppard
Incredibly sweet, it uses clips from "Epiphany" to tell a completely new story of how John and Rodney meet (and of course, fall in love).

Vid: Falling For The First Time
Vidder: mamoru22
Pairing/main character: McKay/Sheppard
A sweet vid of Rodney falling for John. And of course, the vidder used the balcony-pushing scene from "Hide and Seek" for one of the choruses, which was very cute.

Vid: Girlfriend
Vidder: nel-ani
Pairing/main character: McKay/Sheppard
This vid just cracks me up beyond belief every single time I watch it (which is frequently). The idea of Rodney singing along to Avril Lavigne's "Girlfriend" and making John get rid of all those floozy women that hang on him is just hysterical. This scenario is now all I can picture when I hear the song on its own. :) Includes Season 4 clips.

Vid: Hindsight
Vidder: zoetrope
Pairing/main character: McKay/Sheppard
This is a fic trailer for Hindsight by rageprufrock. Very well-done, it uses non-SGA clips to better show John's career (FBI agent). It fits the story well, but also worth looking at if you haven't read the story (though I suggest you do that too).
Story recced here: Previously straight

Vid: Holding Out for a Hero
Vidder: nel-ani
Pairing/main character: McKay (includes SGA & SG-1 cast)
McKay as the hero! I love this song and there's some very neat shots that are used.

Vid: Hot in Herre
Vidder: yokiem
Pairing/main character: Dex
A video all about the pretty, pretty man that is Ronon Dex. Did I mention pretty? And hot (see title).

Vid: I Won't Say I'm in Love
Vidder: dkwilliams
Pairing/main character: McKay/Sheppard
This is a delightfully funny vid set to "I Won't Say I'm in Love", from the Disney movie Hercules. Rodney *refuses* to admit that he's in love with John, no matter how much other people tell him to stop denying it. Very cute. Includes Season 4 clips.

Vid: Independent Love Song
Vidder: mamoru22
Pairing/main character: McKay/Sheppard
This is a fic trailer for Every Day in Every Way, by velocitygrass. The vid manages to capture some of the longing that is in the fic, which was lovely. We get visual hints of the sexual nature of John and Rodney's relationship through clips from other sources, which is unusual for a vid but was very interesting and fit nicely. My feeling is that it will probably make more sense (and be best enjoyed) if you've read the fic, but is still worth checking out if you haven't.
Story recced here: Every Day in Every Way

Vid: Jolene
Vidder: z-rayne
Pairing/main character: McKay/Sheppard
The basic plot of the vid is Rodney pleading to Chaya not to take John away from him. The vidder's notes say that this vid was created for the Lord King Bad Vid room party, and there are a number of places where it's clearly meant to be cheesy and over-the-top. And yet it still grabs my heart, mostly I think because David Hewlett's face is so expressive and the clips fit the lyrics and music so well.

Vid: Love in an Elevator
Vidder: chinawolf
Pairing/main character: McKay/Sheppard
This is a fic teaser for a fun, porny little story, Love in an Elevator by 30toseoul. The vid fits the fic perfectly, as it's a fun little vid that primarily consists of shots of John eyeing Rodney. Although it's a fic teaser, it actually works quite well as a prequel, of sorts, as it appears to end just as the main part of the story begins.

Vid: Men of Devotion
Vidder: chayiana
Pairing/main character: McKay/Sheppard
The song is bouncy and adorable, and so is the vid. Although the lyrics are all by one person, the vidder chose the clips so that John and Rodney each spend a verse convincing the other that they would be perfect together. During John's verse, there's a marvelous catalog of his funny faces, since you know he would pull out all the stops to win Rodney over.

Vid: My Brilliant Idea
Vidder: lim
Pairing/main character: McKay/Sheppard
This is a delightfully fun vid. The music is cute, and the graphics are bright and cheerful and fun. Rodney asking John to be his "Irish girl" amused me to no end.

Vid: Only One
Vidder: mamoru22
Pairing/main character: McKay/Sheppard
This is a sweet vid of John and Rodney caring about each other and having fun together.

Vid: Pump It
Vidder: phrenitis
Pairing/main character: SG-1 and SGA casts
Okay, I'll be perfectly honest - one of the main reasons that I love this vid is that it shows Vala in leather. Several times. That's just never a bad thing. ;) It's also an all-around fun vid, very upbeat (the song is by The Black Eyed Peas), and has some great clips from both shows. Definitely a get-up-and-go kind of vid.

Vid: Roadrunner
Vidder: yokiem
Pairing/main character: McKay/Sheppard (could also be seen as friendship, vidder lists it as John and Rodney)
This is a cute little vid (~1:00 min), that sets up John as the roadrunner (making "beep! beep!" noises) running away from Rodney the coyote. *So cute*.

Vid: Rockstar
Vidder: chayiana
Pairing/main character: Lorne
Hysterical take on the song, the vidder did a brilliant job at matching clips with the lyrics. Some of my personal favorites included various Stargate Colonels, Wraith and other Pegasus villains appearing during the lyrics "We all just want to be big rock stars", and the marvelous use of Todd the Wraith. A must-watch. Includes Season 4 clips.

Vid: Savin' Me
Vidder: chayiana
Pairing/main character: McKay/Sheppard
The backbone of this vid is John getting beat up, particularly his torture via Wraith in "Common Ground," and looking like he's ready to give up without Rodney there to help him. His longing for Rodney just shines through the entire vid, and is marvelously done. Includes Season 4 clips.

Vid: Special Two
Vidder: mamoru22
Pairing/main character: McKay/Sheppard
This is probably my favorite SGA vid, if not my all-around favorite vid, even though it breaks my heart every time I watch it. It's primarily composed of clips from "Trinity," and really shows the despair that Rodney feels after betraying John's trust. It's phenomenal and heartbreaking.

Vid: Stress
Vidders: wickedwords and sherrold
Pairing/main character: McKay
This song fits Rodney perfectly, and the vid shows him in his element.

Vid: Take Me or Leave Me
Vidder: bookwormprinces
Pairing/main character: McKay/Sheppard
This is a fun vid set to "Take Me or Leave Me", from Rent. If you haven't heard the song, it's two women in a relationship admitting to their flaws and foibles, but saying essentially 'this is who I am, I'm not changing for you'. The vid basically just puts Rodney and John into each of the characters, but it's very well done and had me laughing out loud.

Vid: This is How it Works
Vidder: lim
Pairing/main character: McKay/Sheppard
This is an absolutely beautiful vid. It was written as a companion to Freedom's Just Another Word for Nothing Left to Lose, by synecdochic, and the achiness and longing in the song fit the mood of the fic perfectly. The vidder used some amazing clips and effects that really added to the feel of the piece without feeling overdone. Although it was created to go along with the fic, it doesn't specifically reference the fic, so you can still completely enjoy the vid even if you've never read the story.

Vid: What Hurts the Most
Vidder: obfreak
Pairing/main character: McKay/Sheppard
As you can probably tell from the title, this is one of the heartbreaking vids. It's all about Rodney losing John, and the clips fit amazingly well with the anguish of the song itself. Instead of being worked around or ignored, changes in the tempo or tone of the music were used with clips to add to the feel of the vid, which for me took it that much further.

Vid: Written by the Victors
Vidder: queenzulu
Pairing/main character: McKay/Sheppard
This vid is just phenomenal. The vidder has it essentially follow the plot of the story, interspersed with highlights from the text itself. It ends up feeling like the scenes were filmed live, like the vid is a movie trailer for the full-length shot-as-it-happened documentary. Because of that, I'm not sure how much sense it would make if you haven't read the story, but either way it is beautifully done.

Other Fandom Vids:

Vid: Boom Boom Ba
Vidder: charmax
Fandom: Xena
Pairing/main character: Xena/Gabrielle
Here is the vidder's summary for the vid: This video focuses on the sensual aspects of the show Xena and the relationship between Xena and Gabrielle. This was made originally in Oct 04 for a theme challenge and the theme was "lust". This vid plays heavily on the lust, the swaying bodies and the subtext text.
Here's my summary: ::drool::

Vid: I Enjoy Being a Girl
Vidder: absolutedestiny
Fandom: Multifandom
This is just awesome. Seriously, it's a vid about girls and women kicking ass and taking names, what's not to love? It covers a few fandoms, including Buffy, Veronica Mars and Battlestar Galactica, and while the only fandom I know anything about is Buffy, I still just loved it. Great to watch when you want some girl!power. :)

Vid: Improper Dancing
Vidder: marycrawford
Fandom: Multifandom
This is a delightfully fun vid that never fails to raise my spirits. When the fandom says "multifandom," it's really not kidding - the vid uses a ridiculous number of clips from different TV shows and movies, from Buffy to CSI to the original Star Trek to The Sting to Star Wars to Jeffrey to Heroes. It's an upbeat song that just...celebrates the joy of living, as cliché as that may sound. At the LJ entry (linked above) there's also a Word document that lists all of the fandoms used and what's going on in each scene. If you like the vid, that's well worth a look since I can pretty much guarantee there will be at least a few clips you don't recognize.

Vid: This Kiss
Vidder: wesleysgirl
Fandom: Multifandom ( list of all fandoms used)
Every time I watch this vid I get warm fuzzies - it's essentially a collection of same-sex kisses and sweet looks from a variety of different movies and TV shows. The song itself, "This Kiss" by Faith Hill, has a positive tone which helps the entire vid feel mostly romantic and hopeful, not angsty. (And as someone who mostly watches SGA vids, I was excited to see girl-kissing! :) )

Vid: Us
Vidder: lim
Fandom: Multifandom
When this vid came out, there were various discussions about what it was trying to say, and I wasn't really sure about that myself. What I can gather from reading the vidder's notes about it is that this vid is basically a way of saying YES! to fandom and all that it does for us, and has done for us over the years. And it's a marvelous way of saying that. There is, literally, room for everybody. The multiverse is infinite and various and so are we. *raises fist* (from

Apart from everything else, this is a simply beautiful vid (as all of this vidder's work tends to be). If you're interested, there is a listing of all of the sources for the vid here.

recs, 14valentines, recs:other fandom, recs:themed, recs:sga, vid, mckay/sheppard

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