I put the plug for my earphones in partway so that there was sound coming from the laptop speakers and the earphones at the same time and put the earphones partway in my ears. I could then hear from the speakers and earphones at the same time. It sounded kinda cool so I messed kept it that way. After a song or two I noticed that the speakers sI put the plug for my earphones in partway so that there was sound coming from the laptop speakers and the earphones at the same time and put the earphones partway in my ears. I could then hear from the speakers and earphones at the same time. It sounded kinda cool so I messed kept it that way. After a song or two I noticed that the speakers stoped making noise so I fiddled with the plug a bit to no success. I then took one earphone out and put the left one in my ear further and tried to listen for the music in the speakers but could only hear it when it was alone. I then took out the left earphone while there was no music in the speakers and suddenly I could hear music from the speakers again. After further experimentation I found that some songs were easier to hear both ways than others, that it's very difficult (though not completely imposible) to notice the speaker sound when one earphone is in unless my ear is right up to the speaker at which point I simply hear a doubling of volume. I think the distributions of frequencies in the different songs determines difficulty of perception, as well as the volume. Furthermore I not sure but I think it may be easier to hear the speakers when the right earbud is in than the left. Paying attention makes all situations easier to hear the speakers in though it doesn't allways help enough to matter.
In other news:
I found a frog about an inch long and orange which is a very good jumper. I'm not sure what it is as it had no obvious markings.
As for what I said
two months ago, I still intend to explain what I was going to back then, but some of it has changed and I'm don't think I understand it myself yet. Not that that means much to you as I'm telling you practically nothing.
Anyone talked to Mike lately? I haven't seen him on aim and Livefire seems abandoned.