Jun 27, 2007 10:33
marble, magician, lark, magnet, waffle, warbler, wren, cameron, spectacle, carafe, incandescent, crumble, wake.
Played lord of the rings pin ball last night for a long time at the korova. Zac got the 4th highest score.
Summer in Ithaca is fun. Very few, but very fantastic humans are left in Ithaca.
I keep getting in moods where I don't feel like talking. So I make noises and giggle a lot. I listen good, though! I suppose I need practice getting whats in my mind outside my mind in a manner that someone would understand, though. Laziness? Not sure.
I get paid on friday and I will purchase large quantities of paint.
Today is becky's birthday and Zac and I are going to paint our faces green, wear tinfoil suits, and breathe helium to talk like aliens to surprise her when she gets home today. I hope someone photographs this.
I can't stop yawning and am writing in my LJ instead of working! goodbye lj & hello coffee.