Feb 05, 2008 21:01
It has been brought to my attention that there may be certain "mistakes" within my previous posts: picayune like "missing" words and constantly fluxing tense changes.
I endeavored to "correct" some of these "errors."
But you may be "wondering" why I've been using quotation marks around some of these "words." While the previous two occurences were obviously for comedic affect, the others were placed because I find these terms quite limiting in my writing. You see, I have developed a form of writing which can not be editing, as I simply won't allow it, nor wish to do it myself. At this time, the form is called "I just wrote a shit-bunch of words, I ain't got time to go back and read 'em" - which will have to suffice until I've had time to come up with a more concise title.