Player info:
Name: The Guindo
Pronoun: he/his/him
Other Contact: AIM: PianistOfRaielin; LJ:
theguindo Character Basics
Name: Duncan Heimdall Jackson
City: Fall City
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Biological Sex: Male
Birthdate: September 17th
Birthplace: Austin, Texas
PB: Tom Sturridge
Natural Hair/Eye Color: Brown hair, blue eyes
Height: 5'8"
Body Type: Skinny. Duncan is a weed.
Noticeable Scars/Tattoos and Location: He has a nice collection of scars obtained from unfortunate encounters with staircases, but most of them are standard wear-and-tear scars that aren't terribly noticeable. He does have a large scar along the outside of his left elbow where he needed stitches after a fall. No tattoos or piercings.
Clothing Style: Duncan dresses very simply. He's a jeans and t-shirt kind of guy, with a collection of flannel shirts for long-sleeve weather. He does wear cowboy boots occasionally, but not often, because it marks him as obviously Texan. He's more often seen in black leather boots, because they're part of his biking ensemble.
When he needs to dress up, he has a charcoal suit and a handful of dress shirts and ties to choose from; the shirts are all standard white, but the ties are shades and patterns of red. All of his accessories--scarves, gloves, etc--tend toward red.
He has a full set of Personal Protective Equipment for his motorcycle, which he is commonly seen in: reinforced leather jacket, kevlar reinforced jeans, leather boots, full-face helmet, and gloves. In fact most of his jeans are the kevlar reinforced type and he doesn't wear plain denim unless he's sure he won't be hopping on his bike that day.
Duncan grew up on an emu farm just outside of Austin. His family has raised emus since before he was born, and he's come to have a healthy loathing of the things due to knowing more about them than anybody has any right to know. He was the oldest of seven children, and spent much of his childhood getting blamed whenever his siblings got into trouble. Because of the age differences (he was fifteen when the youngest was born), he has lots of experience with young children, and he's very good around them.
He's always been a nerd, and he got into RPing and MMOs in his early teens. He met his best friend, Lynea, through MMOs when he was fifteen. They hopped games with each other until finding Zenderael. After graduating high school, he went to college in Austin and earned a bachelors degree in genetics. He chose to go to grad school in Lynea's city, because getting to hang out with his BFF in real life on a regular basis sounded awesome.
Duncan is currently a year into his PhD in genetics. He interns at the university lab, where he's involved in some less than ethical experiments in the name of SCIENCE! It makes him feel a powerful sense of guilt around rats.
Tell me two important memories.
- When Duncan was fourteen, his paternal grandfather died. It was sudden and unexpected. Duncan had never been very close to him, but his father was an only child who had a great relationship with his dad. Duncan remembers being picked up early from school by his father, sitting in the car in the school parking lot, and listening to his father tell him the news. It was the first time he'd ever seen his father cry. He remembers feeling blank about his grandfather's death, but feeling guilty for not feeling anything because his father was so upset.
- When he was twenty, Duncan got into his first accident on his motorcycle. He was riding home from school and a car clipped the back of his bike when the driver changed lanes. The details are foggy, but he remembers picking himself up from the road and not being able to see because his visor was completely scratched up, and he remembers having trouble flipping it up and having to take the helmet off instead.
The aftermath itself was a blur. There was a cop, or something? Insurance information? He was relatively unharmed except for a few scrapes and bruises, but his bike was ruined, and he was too shaken to do much more than give single-word responses. While waiting for the tow truck, the first thing he did was call Lynea, distraught and panicked. He remembers the conversation with her more clearly than the accident itself. She was concerned, a little panicked herself, and kept him on the line until she was sure he was taken care of. The clearest memory in that call is when she asked if he'd called his parents yet, and he responded, "I can't tell my mom, she'll freak!"
Family members:
Mother, Father, and 6 siblings, all younger. Mom is the sort who runs a tight ship at home, calls once a week to make sure nobody's caught fire, sends care packages regularly, and whenever you come visit criticizes you for being too skinny and why don't you have another helping you need to eat more. She also loves Norse mythology, and all of her kids have middle names from it. Dad is the sort who thinks hard work and misery builds character, and that sitting on the back porch with a couple beers is the best way to bond.
Being the oldest meant Duncan was often responsible for watching his siblings, and often blamed when they got into trouble. It has led to some bitterness, though it's mostly concentrated between him and his only brother. Their childhood was a long struggle for dominance and they frequently flip between being on good terms and not speaking to each other. Duncan gets along well with all 5 of his sisters, however, and is fiercely protective of them.
Names & Ages: Duncan, 25; Melissa, 23; Steven, 21; Lilith, 19; Emilea, 16; Leslie, 13; Lorelei, 10.
Pets: None. (His family's emus and his motorcycle PROBABLY don't count.)
Character Details
Favorite Food? It's actually quite difficult to get him to eat beef, because it's too similar to emu, which he has eaten enough of to last him a lifetime thank you very much. His favourite is candied yams, because his mom makes some amazing candied yams for Thanksgiving.
Favorite Color? Red. He's also the type to put his favourite colour on everything, so a large portion of what he owns is some shade of red.
Favorite Season? He hates summer because it's too hot, he hates winter because it's too cold, he hates autumn because he spent his childhood autumns being bitter about going back to school and having to rake leaves. So, Spring is the season he hates the least.
Favorite Animal? He is very fond of dogs, but his absolute favourite animal is the jerboa. Because, um, jerboas are fucking adorable, have you even looked at one, seriously you guys
Do they like television? Duncan doesn't watch much TV. He's too busy for it. Shows he is interested in watching he'll watch on his computer during his sparse free time, but most of his time is spent on coursework and RP, so he's very behind on the current shows.
What's their favorite style of music? Duncan will listen to anything that has a good beat, but he keeps coming back to rock. Can't stay away from that heavy drum/guitar-work.
Have they considered being the gender/sexuality they're not? He's pondered it as a thought experiment (when your RP mains are a transwoman and a gay man, how can you not?) but has concluded that he's comfortable in his gender identity and his sexuality. He's also very tolerant and accepting of other people's gender expression and sexuality, and is the type of person who will call people out on it when they aren't.
Would you say they're "picky"? He's very particular about a lot of things. He knows what he likes and how he likes it, and he is prone to raising a fuss when things fall outside of that. He's picky about the media he consumes, not so much about food (except what he pays for it, and also that it isn't emu or doesn't remind him of emu), somewhat about what he wears, and is EXTREMELY picky about his work (Duncan is either the best or the worst lab partner depending on how you look at it; he'll get it done right, but he'll stress you the fuck out in the meantime).
Do they alphabetize/color-coordinate their things? If so, which things? He keeps his stuff very organized, though it's a system that is largely his own. He organizes his clothes by type (all his jackets are in the same place in his closet, then his plaid shirts, then his dress shirts, etc), his laptop files are meticulously organized by subject, he keeps his important papers organized by subject and date. It's all very type/subject-oriented. He knows where everything is, but an outside observer would probably have trouble finding things.
Internet Presence: He's been an active RPer on the internet since he was 13. He goes by Heimdall online and always has. He has accounts at all the major social networking sites under that name, though he's only active on a few of them; the others are solely for following other people. He's not a big name or anything, but it's a small internet and fellow RPers may realize they've been in a game or two with him before.
Programs/Services and Screennames:
AIM: Bridge to Asgard
e-mail: / (school e-mail)
Play Style: Duncan is a huge spellsword geek. He's even read all the tie-in novels for Legend of Zenderael and has written fandom essays about the Mazda. When it comes to spellswords, he really knows his shit.
He prefers to play classes that require intricate knowledge of skill balance and play style (like spellswords). Classic hack and slash is not his thing. He prefers to play support types. They're more challenging and easier for him to get into. If he plays DPS, it needs to be a complex sort that requires a lot of attention to play well.
He is an officer in his RP league, mostly by virtue of having been there FOR FUCKING EVER and being a very active and inclusive RPer. He takes that responsibility very seriously.
To RP or not to RP?: So RP you don't even know.
General Overview:
Duncan is a pessimist. Everything that can go wrong will go wrong. And he isn't even the type of pessimist who will cover for it by claiming to be a "realist." He's well-aware that he's just assuming the worst for the sake of whining about it. See, Duncan's the kind of person who isn't happy unless he's miserable. He just needs something to complain about. You know that one guy who will watch a show he hates for years and won't stop ranting about how terrible it is, but won't stop watching it either? That's Duncan.
He's sarcastic and cynical and his particular brand of humour is of the deadpan variety. He can be a real dick sometimes, but it's usually in the form of mockery directed at people he hates and/or finds idiotic. But only online. He doesn't want to risk getting punched for it in real life, because he's pretty twiggy.
He's easy to push around if you have any kind of authority over him. Any fight he puts up will be half-hearted at best because he already knows he's going to walk away from the situation the loser. This applies to friends with very strong personalities, as well. Lynea can force him into anything with a stern enough stare, and guilt is a strong motivator.
He's also the most loyal friend you will ever have. If you call him up at 3AM the night before a big test because you need a ride home after your car broke down on the side of the road, he will go out there and pick you up. He might complain about it, loudly and at length, but he will be there. If you need something that he is able to give, he will give it.
Despite the negative personality, he's an incredibly helpful person. If you're new at something and he can tell you're trying, he'll help you out. He tutors classmates, mentors new leaguemates, helps new RPers get involved in the game. He'll even defend newbies when it comes to games. If somebody's yelling at the healer who's still learning his class, Duncan will tell them to fuck off and leave the new guy alone. As long as you're trying, he'll be very patient with you. If you're not trying, he'll get frustrated, feel like he wasted his time, and hate you forever. (Okay not forever.)
When Duncan decides to do something, he will get it done. He is a hard worker and very dedicated to anything he puts his mind to. He'll whine about it the whole way, of course--do you even REALIZE how much HOMEWORK he has to do by the end of the week and OF COURSE the lab results aren't turning out right when do they EVER and he'll have to REDO EVERYTHING oh my GOD--but he'll get it done and done right.
He's a tightly wound spring, very high-strung. Sometimes it works in his favour--he will always make a deadline because his panic fuels him--but more often it works against him. He gets unnecessarily stressed out by minor setbacks, and the smallest problem can be the last straw, throwing him into a full-on nervous breakdown.
He's a very intelligent person and enjoys learning, but school stresses him out so badly. His preferred mode of destress is playing games online with his friends, but even then he's the one yelling at the raid tank for being an idiot and losing aggro while he's trying to heal everyone.
- Being incredibly fucking high-strung with a penchant to panic. Everything is a federal fucking issue. He's the sort of person to stay up for 5 hours wrestling with technical difficulties the night before a turn-in or final and just cry when the printer breaks down for the 75th time.
- He does not always think before he acts/speaks and tends to say stupid shit and then turn around and say, "Forget I said that."
- He's notoriously unobservant and frequently manages to miss the obvious, no matter how obvious it might seem.
- Being easy to push around and also wary of face-to-face conflict can leave him very bitter toward people who take advantage of these traits. Rather than fix himself, he internalizes his anger and holds grudges against the people responsible.
- He falls on staircases a lot. Or at least, more than most people. If there's an elevator available, he'll always take it instead.
- Don't get him started on emus you guys he can rant about how much he hates emus for days.
- Having grown up in Texas, he does have a Texan accent, but he trained himself in the "default" American accent after being made fun of on vent one time too many by his guildies. The Texas twang still comes out when he's tired or drunk. Or right after he gets off the phone with his mom.
- His nose is perfectly straight, and he's a bit self-conscious about it. It doesn't help that one of his idle fidgets is rubbing the bridge of his nose.
- He rides a red Kawasaki motorcycle and does not own a car (though he does know how to drive one). He is very intense about motorcycle safety and also will not let anybody touch his bike unless he is driving them somewhere on it.
Three Complimentary Words: Dedicated, loyal, helpful
Three True-But-Hard-To-Hear Words: Panicky, oblivious, a push-over