I suppose I should do some sort of update about what's going on in my life but it seems like every time I open this up to do a post, I draw a huge blank. So...here we go. Right now I'm sitting in bed, trying to stay awake long enough to do a half decent post. Hubby is asleep beside me and my fur baby is curled up at my feet. It's a nice atmosphere for writing, me thinks.
I have been on LJ but mostly under
dr_danascully, and more recently
Violent_reign is my gender reversed Druitt and I'm actually pretty comfy playing her. I seem to do better with the crazy ones LOL. Sophie is now with Nigel and she had her baby, so that's going well. And Scully is knocked up with Mulder's babeh. We knew that was coming. I mean c'mon! And then in the
sanctuary_net comm she and Mulder have been the recipients of the grand tour. So, yeah, all is awesome on the RP front.
Work is work. I've started not to completely dread going in. Though, I would prefer to be all stay at home wife and junk.
I no longer have a gross scar in my belly button from the surgery and everything is working as it should. I actually felt myself ovulate today so that's AWESOME. However, both hubby and I were too tired when we got home to take advantage of the situation. But we did bump uglies the past two nights so maybe that will yield some result. We shall see. Though I still have three or four days of fertileness. -shrug-
Yeah, totally TMI, but whatevs.
Started drawing again. Am doing a drawing for
shadecat's fae, Devon. Though I've reached the stage where I'm all, "IT'S SO BAAAAAD! I'M HORRIIIIIBBBBBLLLLEEE!" So it's still attached to my art board, waiting to be finished.
feurisa has gotten me addicted to Warehouse 13. I'm also working my way through Fringe thanks to
shadecat but it's not sucking me in like I had hoped. I has a sad though...no more Sanctuary until season 4 comes on. -cries- And the season 3 finale left me going "WTF KINDLER?!" And I'm also behind by two eps on True Blood. Go figure. I think it's because the first ep had me all "WTF?" that I'm afraid to watch the rest.
Been reading The Hunger Games. Almost done with it. Really enjoy it. Perhaps I'll get the next two this weekend.
And I think that's it. I need to scurry downstairs to get the charger so I can charge my phone. It is completely dead. Damn smartphones. -fist shake-