Mar 26, 2005 08:22
well, I didnt update yesterday because savannah was over late and then we got grinders and I went to bed. I ate meat..*slaps self*
Anyhow...uhh...Church, I had a lot of sympathy for people. This one woman was crying, Yesterday is the day we believe Jesus was crucifyed, I didnt know till yesterday haha...I was thinking of christmas but thats the day he was born.
Anyways there was a woman in church, she couldnt stand that long and it hurt. I felt so bad and I wanted to help her stand. Then we had to say the our father, nobody was next to her so she held our hands, she trembled the whole time, her body was weak. I felt really bad..I just wanted to do something. There was another woman who was really sad, crying all through mass, Yesterday was a weird day in church, everyone was sad.
Today I make my confirmation at Sacred Heart. I have to be there at for 3 hours. Haha..My familys coming over. Its been a long week, but break shall pay forward soon. Peace to you all, I shall play Soul Caliber 2