Going through
Insearchtion withdrawal? Love creating low-pressure fanworks? Don't know what to do with all that YOUTH pent up inside yourself? Head on over to
the Inceptiversary comm on LJ on Aug 5 to take part in a MINI SCAVENGER HUNT :D You will have 11 days to complete a list of items, after which you can vote for your favorite submission for each item (don't worry if you can't participate in the hunt-- you can still vote!)
This year we're going to let the winners choose their prize! 1st place gets 1st choice from this tentative list (*changes may be made closer to Scavenger hunt launch), 2nd gets 2nd choice, and so on:
A commissioned piece of Art from
motetusA commissioned piece of Art from
solutionforrealityA short fic from
sneaquiA short fic from
ohfreckle The items list will go live on Aug 5, along with more information on nitty-gritty details like scoring policies and how to submit your entries. All scavenger hunt activities (except for occasional reminders) will be conducted on LJ, so don't forget to bookmark
the Inceptiversary comm and check back on Aug 5!
Help spread the word!!
http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7ztnjfp6D1ramtzvo1_500.png" alt="">
http://inceptiversary.livejournal.com" target="_blank">inceptiversary.livejournal.com