Title: A Series of Souls
Rating: R (for part three)
Pairing: Ariadne/Arthur
Disclaimer: Not mine! The characters belong to Nolan, and I'm just playing with his toys. I'll put them back where I found them until next year. :)
Spoilers/Warnings: Written for the Ariadne/Arthur fest
on Tumblr, with a presence over at
LJ and
also on AO3. Based on the
this tumblr post regarding soul mates. Violence and death in part three, more or less on par with canon, even though this is an AU.
Summary: People stopped aging at age eighteen until they met their soul mate. At that time, they grew old together. For most people, this was accepted and a normal part of living. For some, this was the worst case scenario.
On LJ |
On DW |
On AO3