Title - The alter ego Neil - 4/9
Author -
sid_vicious_03 Rating - NC17
Pairings - Eames/Arthur, Arthur/OC
Word count - 3 816
Warnings - In this chapter, cursing, sex, prostitution, crossover to Mysterious skin unbetad.
Disclaimers - I don’t own Inception or any of the characters, sadly, but i do own the story.
Notes -
Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3 Summary - There is Arthur, Arthur comes in two ways. Work Arthur, always perfect, organized, knows what to say and what to do and has perfect control over everything. That was the Arthur Eames fell in love with. Then, he discovered that Arthur is only work Arthur during work. In private he is this entirely different person. Cold Arthur, the real Arthur, dubbed Neil.
‘’Topeka?’’ Arthur asked, almost disbelieving Cobb, it was the last place on earth he wanted to be and Cobb wanted to send him to Topeka for a job? Just because he didn’t work with any other point man so that was why he was forcing him to Topeka?