Title: White Feather Chapter 6 Part 1
Rating: R for part 1 will move to NC-17 for part 2
Summary: The one where Eames is color blind…Written for this prompt for the inception_kink meme. Eames POV. This story runs parallel to Black Moon-the one where Arthur is touch deprived and battles OCD. Both stories can be read alone but encouraged to be read together as it will make more sense later. The stories will interweave and lock together. Is slow building A/E.
In this chapter: Eames and Arthur go into Eames' dream for the first time-both make shocking discoveries about the other, something deep and dark from their pasts is revealed. Arthur helps Eames turn his memories into dreams.
Notes: I own nothing
Word Count: 2,202 for part 1
"It was you, breathless and torn
I could feel my eyes turning into dust
Into strangers, turning into dust"
"Eames wants to show him and because he doesn’t know where to start he starts at the beginning."