Title: Ghost In The Machine: Prologue- Choices
Rating: NC-17 (eventually)
Pairing: Ariadne/Eames
Word Count: 1,595
Summary: She was the best architect in the business but then the government got wind of her. They gave her a choice- go to jail for crimes she didn’t commit or work for them. She chose freedom. Now, stuck in a government run facility she encounters a man she hasn’t seen in years. Eames, almost unrecognizable, plans on getting her out of there at all costs. But going up against the government may prove to be the most difficult job they've ever had- and the bloodiest.
Warnings: Mentions of sex and foul language throughout
Notes: The chapter index can be found
here. Written for
this prompt @
inception_kink (
Ghost In The Machine: Prologue- Choices)