Title: After The Fall
Series: Agents of Inception (more will follow)
Author: Eustacia Vye
Author's e-mail: eustacia_vye28@hotmail.com
Rating: Let's go with R due to violence
Pairing: gen, actually. Kind of pre-Arthur/Ariadne, tho.
Warning/Spoilers: Winter Soldier/AOS spoilers, violence, major character death. Written in response to a Tumblr prompt for
Still Worth A Shot, our AA Fest there.
The AO3 Collection is here.Summary: Ariadne had thrown herself into working for SHIELD, and she loved knowing that in some small way she was helping to make the world a safer place. Now, it felt like the entire world was falling apart at the seams.
On LJ |
On DW |
On AO3