Hi everyone! Thanks for being so patient with us while we get everything up and running. We're happy to announce that we're going to start posting the newsletter tonight! We've been collecting links since the beginning of the week, so today's issue is going to be posted in two parts, since there are a lot of links. The first part should go up in a couple of hours, and the last part will be up later tonight.
Now, for some announcements!
inception_watch: this journal is only used to post the newsletter each day, as well as post any additional announcements to the comm. We won't be making any public posts with it, so if you have it friended, you might consider defriending it. It's not necessary for you to friend it in order for us to include your posts. All mods of
inceptiondaily have access to this account, so if you have it friended, that gives us access to your friends-only posts, which we would prefer not to have.
We'd love it if you continue to pimp your earlier work at
this post.
If you know of any communities that we aren't watching that you think we should be watching, please comment here so we can follow them. We're aiming to link as much fannish content as possible, so please pimp your comms! To that end, we're not currently going to be affiliating with anyone, but if that policy changes, we'll tell you right away.
Also, make sure to check out our revised and expanded
FAQ before submitting links.
Your Mods