Title: Dirty Talk
Author: Reno-Sinclair/Karma's On The Way
Rating: T
Word Count: 751
Fandom: Inception
Pairing/Character: Eames X Arthur
Warnings: Stupid humor, implied smut, yaoi, also, I'm not sure what time era everything is in...so just roll with it, please? <3
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, just the stupidity that ensues in this fic.
Summary: Eames is sick of doing all of the work in their relationship and leaves one simple thing to Arthur.
AN: Just saw Inception with my boyfriend...and I have to say that I love the idea of Eames and Arthur together. I don't care if it isn't canon, it's canon to me because of the little things. <3 The cute things. <3 And...their relationship would just be too much fun to write. Anyway, here we go.
Dirty Talk