Atom to Atom, Pattern to Pattern

Jan 09, 2012 15:59

In light of the mpreg meta that was just posted over at insearchtion, this is either a great time or an awful time to post this. Title edited because I belatedly realized there's actually another Arthur/Eames mpreg fic called Atom to Atom. And as much as I wanted to call this THE ONE WHERE ARTHUR LITERALLY HANDWAVES BIOLOGY, I feel like it lacks something.

Title:  Atom to Atom, Pattern to Pattern
Fandom: Inception
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Arthur/Eames
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em, making no profit off 'em, etc. 
Word Count: 7,018
Summary: A lifetime of dreaming, scheming, and identity theft has taught Eames how to keep a level head in the most improbable situations.

Notes: Written in response to a kink meme prompt that asked for Arthur and Eames's first attempt at getting pregnant.

Links: LJ | AO3

genre: fluff, genre: romance, pairing: arthur/eames, genre: smut, rating: nc-17, kink: nipples, kink: rimming, kink: m-preg, kinks: toys

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