Battaglia Con Brio: Master Post

Sep 18, 2011 02:25

Title: Battaglia Con Brio
Author: metacheese; art by yjudaes in the first part
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 36,000 for the whole thing
Pairings or Characters: Arthur/Eames is endgame, but there's brief Arthur/Robert, Eames/Robert, and also Ariadne/Yusuf
Kinks: voyeurism, explicit sex
Warnings: prostitution, physical trauma, angst (eventual happy ending)
Summary: Rival composers in love. Secrets, lies, misunderstandings, ferrets, swords, and ghosts. Arthur is quite terrible at sabotage. A riff on the Milos Forman film/Peter Shaffer play Amadeus, but much of the time the plot diverges quite wildly.
Author's Note: Written for ae_match. Beta'ed by the amazing eternalsojourn, who also suggested the title. The title is Italian: battaglia is a musical term for a piece meant to evoke a battle; con brio means "with spirit".

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |
Part 4

pairing: eames/fischer, kink: top!eames, genre: romance, kink: cross-dressing, kink: first time, pairing: arthur/eames, kink: masturbation, genre: au, kink: voyeurism, pairing: arthur/fischer, genre: angst, genre: drama, genre: action-adventure, kink: oral, kink: top!arthur

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