What's a Little Contract Hit Between Friends? by Lacey McBain (Arthur/Eames, PG-13)

May 16, 2011 13:46

Title: What's a Little Contract Hit Between Friends?
Author: Lacey McBain
Pairing: Arthur/Eames
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~5800
Summary: “Darling, I know we've had our differences, but did you put out a contract on my life?” - Arthur (accidentally) puts out a hit on Eames.
Disclaimer: Inception is property of Chris Nolan, etc. I own nothing.
Notes: This story is a one-shot stand-alone story not connected to the Origins 'verse. It's the first story I actually started after I'd seen the movie. I really wanted to write it as pure humour, but a little angst snuck in anyway - seems to be the way with my writing, but there's always a happy ending.

Available at the AO3: What's a Little Contract Hit Between Friends?

Or on Livejournal: What's a Little Contract Hit Between Friends?

Feedback and con crit always appreciated!

character: arthur, character: cobb, rating: pg-13, kink: first time, pairing: arthur/eames, genre: hurt/comfort, genre: humor, genre: drama, character: eames, genre: action-adventure

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