Title: This Thing of Ours, Act II, part 3
baubleRating: NC-17
Pairings: Arthur/Eames, Cobb/Eames, Arthur/OMC, Arthur/OFC, Cobb/Mal
Warnings: This AU deals with organized crime, and so will feature morally complicated/dubious characters as well as darker themes and issues that may not be resolved neatly. This act will contain: Violence, character death, murder, Depression, mental illness, Alzheimer’s, marital infidelity, torture, drunk driving. Also, references to: organized crime, narcotics trafficking, prostitution, extortion, other illegal activities, anti-Semitism, sexism and misogyny, homophobia, racism. Please leave a comment if you believe anything should be added here.
Word Count: 23,000 words
Summary: Arthur is the right-hand man to Cobb, a powerful mafioso. When Cobb brings Eames into the picture, Arthur's previously unwavering loyalty is tested, and he has to choose between taking a chance and the life he's always known.
Third act in an AU WIP. Master post of acts
here. Act I is
Anything here you wanna keep?