Fic: Details

Apr 02, 2011 16:12

Title: Details
Author: goldenfish_jz
Pairing & Characters: Arthur/Eames
Warnings & Ranting: NC-17, Rimming, glasses kink, suit kink and utterly philosophical Arthur
Disclaimer: I own nothing but my feverish mind.
Summary: Eames’ presence caused Arthur to change, now the pointman realizes that the details can be bigger than the whole piece.
Author's: This was written to johanirae in the dream_exchange  last year. But since I'm late with my Great Self Challenge 30 days 30 fics schedule I decided to cheat and post it here as well. If I got enough time I'll write a unprecedented fic to make up for this. So, for the time being, this is the third fic in the Challenge.

God is in the details

rating: nc-17, kink: top!eames, kink: rimming, pairing: arthur/eames

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