[fanfic] Inception "Where Are You Going With My Heart" 3|4

Dec 26, 2010 14:15

Title: Where Are You Going With My Heart: Chapter Three
Author: kuwamiko
Pairings/Characters: Eames/Arthur, Ariadne, Yusuf
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 10,446 (this part)
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: The AU stepbrothers slash that no one asked for, but which the world needed!
Warning: They're both 16 - is that a warning or an enticement?
Author's Note: I meant to have this done and posted before Dec 25th, but RL intervened.

When Eames saw Arthur naked, it was completely accidental. Really, he had nothing whatsoever to do with it.

character: arthur, character: yusuf, character: ariadne, pairing: arthur/eames, kink: masturbation, genre: au, rating: nc-17, character: eames

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