
Aug 21, 2010 19:07

Hello Everyone and welcome to a place to share all the wonderful Inception-related media that is out there.  Whether it be fic, graphics or fanvids, all media and all pairings are welcome.

Myself and augustbird are your co-mods, so feel free to message us with any questions or concerns you may have.

And now, in accordance with my modly duties, I present


!) remember that everyone has different tastes.  This is a community for all pairings, so BE RESPECTFUL of each other.
2) There will be a delicious account set up to keep track of all the lovely recommendations so please search there first to make sure your fanwork hasn't been recommended yet.  We're trying to keep the duplicate recs to a minimum.
3) Please adhere to the formatting listed above! we want to make everything easy to find.
4) Please do not self-promote on this community.  All works you recommend should originate from somebody else.

So come on in, make yourself at home, and dream a little bigger darlings.


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