Player Survey and Game-Direction Time Again!

Sep 06, 2006 22:20

Well, I haven't quite managed to do this survey monthly due to time-constraints - how about quarterly? *grin*

Once again it is time for us to ask you, our players, what you think of the game, what suggestions you might have for improvement, and what direction you might like to see the game go.

First, we would like to take the opportunity to re-explain the original game intent, in order that we might all start out on the same page as we move ahead.

As we all know, the game was started at the end of a long and difficult war. The 'good guys' won, but there are still 'bad guys' out there, and a good deal of political unrest. The Admin Team feels there are many 'war time' games out there, and many 'Dark/Death Eaters have won/are winning' games out there, and we wanted to be different. Part of that is our own personal preference - the melodrama provided by war/fear/danger is fun and easy to play in, but it is not always very challenging from a writing or character development standpoint.

Likewise, we did not want a game that became all about soap-opera-style 'shipping, with things like unplanned pregnancies, random bed-hopping, dramatic and implausible life-tragedies, etc. A role-playing game, yes, but one with a more 'serious' and 'realistic' focus - or as realistic as we can get, considering we are playing in a magical world!

This is a difficult line to walk from the beginning. Lacking both constant danger and the excitement of 'random sex' and the like, we start out 'missing' two often-used and easy to play with plot devices.

Our 'primary' conflict, and one we felt would be rich enough for creativity and development of the game and world at large, is one of politics and rebuilding. The Registry and the restrictions therein have not proved to be 'irritating' enough for people to actively 'fight' against it in any serious fashion (though we all like the Periodic Inquiry! *grin*)

We would like for there to be more 'darkness' here and there, of the sort which Woodra via Morsus so skillfully introduces. Part of our lack here is the absence of more 'dark' characters. Unfortunately, people who like to *play* Dark characters generally like to play them with more overt and aggressive tendencies than the subtlety necessary to work within the political system. We are obviously still hoping to recruit an active Lucius, etc., but this is an underdeveloped/underutilised area of conflict-potential that would clearly bring more plot-fodder to the game.

Other suggestions from the last survey have also fallen a bit 'flat'. Our Order Meeting thread which was apparently so eagerly awaited had very few players enter it who were not already admin-run characters. The Order, as an organisation, much as it did in canon, is not very cohesive once there is no true 'enemy' to fight. It disbanded shortly after the Dark Lord disappeared in the first war, and only reformed, slowly, after he was proven to be returned.

It was our hope to provide a rich game-environment in which our players could grow and develop their own characters and plot-lines, and for the most part, most of you have done this brilliantly. Quidditch leagues, Dueling leagues, publications, careers, charity assistance, all manner of things. Real life gets busy and every game goes through its lulls of activity during times when everyone is busy at the same time. Holidays and the start of the school year two major times when this happens.

Comments have been made about the 'social' activities being a bit redundant - and this is a valid point - however, it should also be noted that no matter how many other 'group' activities we've made, the 'social' activities are always the most actively attended, particularly the Balls. What other 'big group' activities would you suggest? We like to have these periodic 'social' events to allow characters who would normally never have logical reason to interact to run into each other. Many plot-bunnies are born of these seemingly 'random' occurences.

We, as an admin team, want to provide enough structure and admin-driven plots and activities to give everyone something to do and build from, but we also want to have time to PLAY, ourselves, and trying to drive big, heavy, cumbersome world-plots with little to no other player interaction seems to be a waste of time and energy. It seems that if our players are content and have enough to 'do' without artificial, outside 'intervention', then some of the world-wide plots can be slowed down or set aside for a while, until such time as the game needs that proverbial 'shot in the arm', so to speak. What we need to know is what you, as players, need in order to have fun??

So, with those things in mind, on to the Player Survey! Only the Admin Team will have access to these answers, so please be HONEST. If there are problems or issues, we can only resolve them if we KNOW about them.

1. Do you have enough to do, as a player? Does your character have enough opportunities for growth and development?

2. How welcoming is our game to new players, coming in? Were you made to feel welcome when you started? If you have been here for a while, how welcoming are you, in return? Do you feel we do a good job in making the effort to get to know new players and help develop mutual plots and back-stories with characters who ought to know one another?

3. Does the Admin Team address your questions, problems, or concerns in a timely manner? Is the Admin Team fair in its actions and decisions?

4. Are there things we could be doing better, over-all? What things have you seen/experienced in other games that might be implemented here to improve the game over-all?

5. What plots would you like to see brought forward in the game? Are there any big-group-activity ideas you have that would be unique/fun to play out?

6. What suggestions do you have that would make the game better, in any way?

The Admin Team eagerly awaits your answers so we can continue to grow the game to the fun and enjoyment of us all.

survey, admin announcement, admin notices

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