What to do with newly opened character positions

Aug 18, 2006 14:32

Unfortunately, there are some potential future 'openings' of a couple of 'major' characters (for whom we are HOPING their muns return!). However, we can't hold positions forever, no matter how much we like the muns, and sometimes hard choices have to be made.

After some detailed Admin discussion, we have decided that if these positions do become open, we will be 'holding' them for new players, first.

Our rationale for this is simply thus:

Major characters do better if they are a person's primary character, better still if they are a person's only character, and 'first choice', rather than a second character added later. Also, having 'choice' openings is a good draw for new players.

If this situation arises, you will be notified if the position is open for current-player applications, or outside-applications only. If we are unable to fill the role from the 'outside' after a reasonable period of time, we will open it to current-players.

At this time, please consider Lucius as being 'open' to new-applicants, only (not that any of you have been beating down our door to apply for him!) *grin*

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